kWh per cycle:kWh
Electricity price:1 kWh (PLN)
Oil price:1 l (PLN)
NG price:1 m3 (PLN)
LPG price:1 l (PLN)
New electric furnace price:PLN
New oil furnace price:PLN
New NG furnace price:PLN
New LPG furnace price:PLN
Heat exchanger efficiency
Loads per day:pcs.
Daily cost of electric furnace:PLN
Daily cost of oil furnace:PLN
Daily cost of NG furnace:PLN
Daily cost of LPG furnace:PLN
Monthly cost of electric furnace:PLN
Monthly cost of oil furnace:PLN
Monthly cost of NG furnace:PLN
Monthly cost of LPG furnace:PLN
Monthly savings on oil:PLN
Monthly savings on NG:PLN
Monthly savings on LPG:PLN
Monthly difference in leasing cost for Oil:PLN
Monthly difference in leasing cost for NG:PLN
Monthly difference in leasing cost for LPG:PLN
*Return on investment for oil furnace:months
*Return on investment for NG furnace:months
*Return on investment for LPG furnace:months

(*)If the value is negative - the return will never occur

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